“Cuddly bunnies plus hot sauce makes fire breathing cuddly bunny babies! They poop jalapeno peppers!”
Out of Context Quote of the Day
“I hope I never become Christian. I never want to be that judgemental.”
Out of Context Quote of the Day
“Beep beep lettuce”
Out of Context Quote of the Day
“My dog ate the whole entire turkey and my grandma farted on a stool causing it to break.”
Out of Context Quote of the Day:
Out of Context Quote of the Day:
“Ok fine I’ll get out of bed and go drive to the food walrus and be given a musical sandwich from the talking otter.”
Out of Context Quote of the Day:
“idk what necromancy is”
Out of Context Quote of the Day:
“You’re the one doing the funky chicken in the town square.”
Out of Context Quote of the Day:
“Some nut in a hotdog suit”
Out of Context Quote of the Day:
“When we use a modern computer, we’re standing on the shoulders of giants so tall that the details are obscured by clouds.”