Concerning Project 2025

Do what thou whilt shall be the whole of the law.

Project 2025 is the greatest existential threat our democracy has ever faced.

As you may or may not know know, as much as I like to joke about violence and love violent video games, I’m a sworn pacifist. I would never jump to violence if I think there’s any chance of finding a way of avoiding it. However, that doesn’t mean I don’t recognize when there’s a need for self-defense and prepare for that accordingly. Concerning Project 2025, like it or not, if you want to keep living in a democracy, you’re going to have to arm yourself or you’re gonna let them win.

Trump already said he’s gonna do another Jan 6 when he doesn’t win. This is a serious concern. Remember, they all already have guns. Voting alone is very likely to not be enough.

Don’t get me wrong, absolutely go out and vote blue on the entire ticket.

It’s incredibly important to utilize the democracy we have to try to defend it. However our enemies absolutely refuse to let their inevitable loss stop them from seizing power. Like it or not, you’re gonna have to be willing to fight to defend democracy or you’re going to lose it. I hate that it’s come to this but this is the reality of the time we live in. This existential threat must be treated seriously or we stand a very real chance of being turned into a fascist dictatorship with a narcissistic psychopath with dementia as our dictator. Our domestic enemies are taking this seriously so we have to as well, refuse at your own peril.

“We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be,” says Kevin Roberts, head of the Heritage Foundation; architect of Project 2025.

When I say this is an existential threat to the survival of our country as we know it, I mean it. This quote makes it pretty clear what they intend to do if we let them get away with it, so we are morally obligated to oppose it.

Arm yourselves lefties. Arm yourself so we don’t lose what we have.

You must be ready to fight for freedom or lose it. If you love freedom as I do, and we won’t have it if we don’t stand up for it. Many of us and our loved ones don’t stand a chance if we let this coup succeed.

Love is the law, love under will.

Concerned but determined,

I Dreamed…

A cursed record sits spinning slowly in the record player as I set myself to slumber in the ashes of my mind.

I dreamed about dead things watching from under the stairs. I dreamed of industrial madness consuming the minds of the unwashed masses. I dreamed about dragons coming down to consume the flesh of the common man, dazed and stupefied in external extraction ecstacy. I dreamed about thunder and the sound of rain echoing off the clouds of eternity. And I dreamed of the devil himself watching, waiting, hungrily for my soul to be offered up in a moment of sheer panic. I dreamed of death and the sound of drums.

Thunder Perfect Mind by Nurse With Wound is the name of that spinning disk. Explore at your own peril.

A Thought About Death Note

Do what thou whilt shall be the whole of the law.

I’m watching Death Note right now. I read the manga for awhile back when it was new but didn’t watch the show. In any case, my immediate thought is centered around the specifics of death.

My thought would be if you wanted to fix the world you’d go after the 1% and have them write a suicide note and sign it right before their death saying that their conscience finally got to them. That they realized their whole life spent hoarding wealth at everyone else’s expense was evil and that all their wealth should be divided up evenly and given out in equal share to every person on the planet.

Stagger them out over the course of years and choose the time and date randomly via a random number generator so it can’t be predicted and won’t look connected. It won’t look like someone’s doing it to them but that they’re doing it to themselves because they finally see the error of their ways.

By the time the top so many people are all dead, the world would be a much better place. By making it suicide prompted by a sudden moment of clarity, it will set a precedent and eventually people will just assume that if you get that wealthy your conscience will get to you eventually and you’ll kill yourself. It will make people afraid of creating a 1% like that ever again. Then once that happens, destroy the notebook.

Now I guess the immediate question is what about criminals? Well, they will always exist no matter how many names you write, so trying to go after them is a waste of time if you want lasting change. However, by changing the material conditions such that society won’t have as many people pushed into crime out of desperation, there will be less crime anyways. Everything else is the police’s job.

Ultimately though, if everyone was living according to their true will, we wouldn’t be in this mess to begin with so rather than a death note, if I had one wish it would be that.

Love is the law, love under will.
