A Thought About Death Note

Do what thou whilt shall be the whole of the law.

I’m watching Death Note right now. I read the manga for awhile back when it was new but didn’t watch the show. In any case, my immediate thought is centered around the specifics of death.

My thought would be if you wanted to fix the world you’d go after the 1% and have them write a suicide note and sign it right before their death saying that their conscience finally got to them. That they realized their whole life spent hoarding wealth at everyone else’s expense was evil and that all their wealth should be divided up evenly and given out in equal share to every person on the planet.

Stagger them out over the course of years and choose the time and date randomly via a random number generator so it can’t be predicted and won’t look connected. It won’t look like someone’s doing it to them but that they’re doing it to themselves because they finally see the error of their ways.

By the time the top so many people are all dead, the world would be a much better place. By making it suicide prompted by a sudden moment of clarity, it will set a precedent and eventually people will just assume that if you get that wealthy your conscience will get to you eventually and you’ll kill yourself. It will make people afraid of creating a 1% like that ever again. Then once that happens, destroy the notebook.

Now I guess the immediate question is what about criminals? Well, they will always exist no matter how many names you write, so trying to go after them is a waste of time if you want lasting change. However, by changing the material conditions such that society won’t have as many people pushed into crime out of desperation, there will be less crime anyways. Everything else is the police’s job.

Ultimately though, if everyone was living according to their true will, we wouldn’t be in this mess to begin with so rather than a death note, if I had one wish it would be that.

Love is the law, love under will.
