The Ritual of Weila

This is a Mesopotamian style headless rite originally published in Peacock Goat Review Vol.1 No. 5. It has been modified since that version with various improvements. It was created based on the Stele of Jeu (also called The Headless Rite and The Bornless Rite), a ritual which is very popular among the modern occult community. This version is designed as a functional replacement for the ritual but in the Mesopotamian modality. It borrows heavily from the Witchcraft Series Maqlû and the Tablets of Creation to create a ritual with a similar framework and purpose as that found in the Greek Magical Papyri but with a strong Mesopotamian foundation, primarily from the Babylonian era. This improved version is inspired by the Ritual For Calling Down Oannes by Allen Greenfield as well as by new research into the topics used within.

Prepare the sacred space and form around yourself the circle of protection. Hold a black mirror so as to catch the light of the Pleades, make the sign of respect and recite:


I invoke the, wise Ea! Bring forth the eţemmu of Iluwēila within me! You have distinguished the just and the unjust. You, with Mami have made female and male. You have revealed seed and fruits.
You have made men love each other and hate each other. I am
Adapa your prophet to whom you have transmitted your mysteries celebrated by Eridu. You have revealed the moist and the dry and all nourishment. Hear me!

I am the messenger of LordEnki. This is your true name which has been handed down to the prophets of Ur. Hear me!

I invoke you, Iluwēila, God with intelligence; You who’s flesh formed the world; You who’s blood gave life to the earth, you who’s eţemmu remains in every human; I call upon you oh awesome and invisible god whom none has ever seen; You are Lahmu! You are Lahamu! You had inspiration in the assembly!

Hearken to me and turn back this udug! I call upon you, terrible and unseen god, with an empty spirit: Holy slain god! Deliver me from the udug that holds onto me!

Hear me, great Abgal; Oannes, Uanduga, Enmeduga, Enmegalama, Enmebuluga, Anenlilda, Utuabzu! They are the seven brilliant puràdu-fish, puràdu-fish from the sea, the seven sages, who were created in the river, who ensure the correct execution of the plans of heaven and earth. Seven sages of human descent, whom Ea, the lord, perfected with wide understanding.

Subject to me all gidim, so that every gidim, whether líl or dug, of ki or of kur, on bar-rim or in ab, and every nam-šub and uš might be obedient to me. Deliver me from all restraining gidim and uš.


Hear me, Gir-unug-gal Ne-ti Dumu-zid Ereš-ki-gal Ĝeštin-an-na-še Dutu I have called upon you, Gods of Night; With you I have called upon Night, the Veiled Bride I have called on Twilight, Midnight and Dawn

Hear me, great Abgal; Oannes, Uanduga, Enmeduga, Enmegalama, Enmebuluga, Anenlilda, Utuabzu! They are the seven brilliant puràdu-fish, puràdu-fish from the sea, the seven sages, who were created in the river, who ensure the correct execution of the plans of heaven and earth. Seven sages of human descent, whom Ea, the lord, perfected with wide understanding.

Subject to me all gidim, so that every gidim, whether líl or dug, of ki or of kur, on bar-rim or in ab, and every nam-šub and uš might be obedient to me. Deliver me from all restraining gidim and uš.


Hear me, Lord Marduk! O Asari, bestower of planting, founder of sowing, Creator of grain and plants, who caused the green herb to spring up! O Asaru-alim, who is revered in the house of counsel, who abounds in counsel, The gods paid homage, fear took hold upon them! O Asaru-alim-nuna, the mighty one, the light of the father who begat him, Who directs the decrees of An, Ninurta, and Enki! He was their patron, he ordained their offices; He, whose provision is abundance, goes forth! Tutu is he who created them anew; He is the lord of the gods. He is the lord of the inhabited world. He is the one whom the winds fear. He is the one who made all things by the command of his voice. Lord! King! Master! Helper! Save the soul:Quickly, quickly, good messenger of Anu:

Hear me, great Abgal; Oannes, Uanduga, Enmeduga, Enmegalama, Enmebuluga, Anenlilda, Utuabzu! They are the seven brilliant puràdu-fish, puràdu-fish from the sea, the seven sages, who were created in the river, who ensure the correct execution of the plans of heaven and earth. Seven sages of human descent, whom Ea, the lord, perfected with wide understanding.

Subject to me all gidim, so that every gidim, whether líl or dug, of ki or of kur, on bar-rim or in ab, and every nam-šub and uš might be obedient to me. Deliver me from all restraining gidim and uš.


Hear me, great Abgal; Oannes, Uanduga, Enmeduga, Enmegalama, Enmebuluga, Anenlilda, Utuabzu!

Hear me Iluwēila! I am slain Iluwēila, the eţimmu which survives. I have not forgotten the sign!I am Gibil, the mighty one who possesses primeval fire;I am Utu, who hates the fact that unjust deeds are done in the world;I am Ninurta, who holds the mighty thunderbolt;I am Enlil, who’s sweat falls upon the earth as rain so that life can begin;I am Enki, who’s mouth speaks great wisdom;I am Inanna, who begets and destroys;I am Dumuzid, the consort of the queen of heaven;I am Ningizada, the entwining of serpents;Come forth and follow.

Sources Cited

“The Four Winds/ Four Corners.” Enenuru,

“The Headless Rite.” The Digital Ambler, 3 Mar. 2018,

“Sumerian Language.” The Language Gulper,

Abusch, Tzvi. The Witchcraft Series Maqlû. SBL Press, 2015.

Betz, Hans Dieter, editor. The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation: Including the Demotic Spells. 1: Texts. 2. ed., [Nachdr.], Univ. of Chicago Press, 2007.

Black, Jeremy, et al. The Literature of Ancient Sumer Translated. 1st ed., Oxford University Press, 2004.

Dalley, Stephanie, editor. Myths from Mesopotamia: Creation, the Flood, Gilgamesh, and Others. Revised ed, Oxford University Press, 2008.

Greenfield, Allen H, Secret Rituals of the Men in Black. Paranoia Publishing

Halloran, John Alan. “Sumerian Lexicon: Version 3.0.” Sumerian Lexicon,, 28 Aug. 2018,

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White, Gordon. Chaos Protocols – Magical Techniques for Navigating the New Economic Reality. Llewellyn Publications,U.s., 2016.