Domain of Ninurta
Ninurta is the Babylonian god of farming, healing, hunting, law, scribes, and is the champion of the gods. (Black et al. 142-143)
His sign: 𒀭𒊩𒌆𒅁
This is his holy symbol:
Astrological Domain: Saturn
Laymen of Lord Ninurta:
Adoration of Ninurta:
“King, your headdress hangs loose upon your neck, your kingship is gloriously manifest! Hero Ninurta, your headress hangs loose upon your neck! Hero Pabilsaĝ, your headress hangs loose upon your neck! Hero Ninĝirsu, your headdress hangs loose upon your neck; your kingship is manifest! Your kingship exists in the heavens, exists on the earth. You sit with Enki upon the holy throne-dais.The hero, devastator of the mountains, pillager of cities, batters at the rebel lands. The hero Ninurta, devastator of the mountains, pillager of cities, the hero Pabilsaĝ, devastator of the mountains, pillager of cities, the hero Ninĝirsu, devastator of the mountains, pillager of cities, batters at the rebel lands. A king, a storm beating down from above: you are an unrivalled lord. Hero, you are the towering wall of your city; may your august name be invoked! Hero Ninurta, you are the towering wall of your city. Hero Pabilsaĝ, you are the towering wall of your city. Hero Ninĝirsu, you are the towering wall of your city; may your august name be invoked!” (ETCSL t.4.27.07)