Do what thou whilt shall be the whole of the law.
While I don’t think piracy is justified in general, this kind of theft of things you already bought happened to me recently with a PC game I bought on physical media; Tron Evolution. Disney revoked all the licenses of the game including legitimate pre-existing purchases of the game. I bought it brand new on physical media back when it first came out. Now I can’t play the game I legitimately bought brand new anymore for no legitimate reason. The CD key the game physically shipped with doesn’t work anymore.
Even working around the DRM it prompts you on install doesn’t help because it has a second form of DRM; Games for Windows Live. GFWL, is dead and doesn’t work anymore because it has been shutdown in favor of the Microsoft store and the Xbox services. It doesn’t let me sign in anymore and they tied saving the game into using it. (Yes I reset my password and no it did not help. I can sign into my Microsoft account just fine on my Xbox and on my Outlook. This isn’t an account issue.)
You have to authenticate the installation with one form of DRM, which is now revoked for no legitimate reason, then log into another on a now dead service, just to play a game I physically own on disc because Disney arbitrarily decided to say “screw you.” The game is already abandonware yet they screwed over legitimate purchases presumably out of arbitrary malice. They lose nothing off from me playing the game I already own ON PHYSICAL MEDIA. There’s no legitimate reason to do this to me other than just petty megalomania.
So now the only way I can play this game I paid for again would be to pirate it but I don’t even know how to do that these days and even if I did there’s no guarantee I’d even be able to save the game because that’s attached to GFWL for some absurd reason. Now, despite owning a legitimate copy of the game, I have no other option but to pirate it if I ever wanted to play it again. It’s fucked.
Love is the law, love under will.