Do what thou whilt shall be the whole of the law.
My favorite genre of games are first person shooters, but not just any old first person shooter, specifically that kind that predominantly came out on MS-DOS and those games that mimic that style of play. They’re fast paced and intense with absurdly powerful weapons largely fighting hoards of zombie-like enemies with your circle strafe. However, the name of the genre…well…they’re calling it “Boomer Shooters” for some reason. Don’t know who came up with that but they were an idiot.
I hate the term “Boomer Shooters” because it just plain doesn’t make any sense and it annoys me that it has become the name of the genre. Boomers weren’t the ones who grew up with those games, they grew up with stuff like the Atari 2600. It was Gen X that grew up with them. If we’re naming them based on a generation title then they should be called “X-Games” but I think that term is already taken.
Personally, I’ve started to bring back the term “Doom Clones” since that was the term they used back when those games were new. All first person shooters were called that even if they were very different from Doom. It was just the language of the time. To me, it fits way better and is more authentic.
Love is the law, love under will.
In the name of our BFG,