A Brief Note on Promulgation

Originally written as a response to a discussion.

Audio Version

Do what thou whilt shall be the whole of the Law.

I would argue we’re not going against Christianity but rather moving beyond it and its superstitions. If we were to be defined by our opposition then we become bound to it. The object is defined by its opposite. To truly overcome something you must move past it. The old aeon religions are obsolete; burned up in the flames of geburah when the Law was established. Promulgation is the duty to see through that it is spread that the old law was abrogated in favor of the new when Ra-hoor-khuit took his seat in the east. The end of the word of the god previously occupying Ra’s throne.

This is also why we call it “promulgation” rather than “evangelism” or some other such thing; we’re letting them know the law has changed and there’s a new judge in town. The laws of the gods of the aeon of Osiris have ended. No more need for salvation through a dying and rising god. No more submission to a monolatrism. No more following arbitrary lists of rules. Only the law of Thelema remains in their place.

The law is for all.


it is the Law to give. Then they shall chance to abide in this bliss or no; it is no odds.

We’re instructed to give them the law and then let them do with that information however they will. If this were a civil law we would tell them the new law has been passed and signed but we don’t worry if they decide to break it and subsequently get arrested. We already did our due diligence. We already fulfilled our obligation to inform the public.

Success is thy proof: argue not; convert not; talk not overmuch!

We’re instructed not to go out seeking converts. We’re not Mormons. We’re just supposed to deliver the law and let it be. The success of this method is our proof that it is valid. I’ve seen that firsthand and I’ve been the subject thereof in my path towards Thelema.

Love is the law, love under will.