The Death of the Looby

An effort to convey my previously posted diatribe in simpler language.

Audio Version

Do what thou whilt shall be the whole of the Law.

The Book of the Law (Liber CCXX) and Crowley’s extrapolations thereof predicted so many things accurately. Liber CCXX, written through occult ritual via angelic transmission, described in 1904 (and was then expanded upon in Liber CCCXXXIII published in 1912) what would only be later scientifically proven by the Schrödinger equation which wasn’t published until 1926; that of the superposition. This is something Crowley could not have known having been published after the fact and was so far outside his general milieu that there’s no chance he could have heard of it otherwise. The nature of the superposition was later expanded upon by the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle; that the probabilistic division described by the superposition can only be determined at the time of measurement when the wave function collapses but in so doing that measurement changes the thing it measures rendering discovery of further information impossible and the value of the result of that measurement cannot be accurately predicted; only described in probability. Truth can only be measured in instances when their value is changed by the mere act of measuring it.

This is the creation of the world, that the pain of division is as nothing, and the joy of disillusion all. -Liber Al vel Legis I:30

Truth only exists in relationship to other things; a measurement. The dissolution, i.e. collapse of the wave function, is as nothing, which is to say it’s undetermined, until the measurement, or disillusion, which is how all things that are can be determined to be “real” in material realty.

To beget is to die; to die is to beget. Cast the Seed into the Field of Night. Life and Death are two names of A. -Liber CCCXXXIII, The Sabbath of the Goat

Described poetically here, Life here refers to truth and death uncertainty. To measure and determine truth is to cause change in the system in response and destroy that truth. That which we call reality only exists in relation; devoid of that it is all but a measure of possibilities.

That Liber CCXX purports to describe reality and does so before it was known empirically is not at all insignificant.

The consequences of this are described finally in Liber CCCXXXIII in poem 39:

Vague and mysterious and all indefinite are the contents of this consciousness; yet they are somehow vital. by use they become luminous. Unreason becomes Experience. This lifts the leaden-footed soul to the Experience of THAT of which Reason is the blasphemy.

Love is the law, love under will.