The Ravens Are Watching

The ravens are watching me
A thousand thousand eyes
Green, Orange, Yellow
Glowing, piercing in the night
From dark dead trees above
They’re watching me
Breathless and still
They’re watching me
As I walk through
They’re watching me
They don’t look real
They’re watching me

Chaos and Order

Both chaos and order had a role to play in humanity’s development. Humanity in its infantile state and later growing states didn’t have the understanding and presence of mind to operate without restraint. However fully restrained, they would never grow. After all, it’s through making mistakes and learning from them that we truly grow. Humanity is now ready to proceed beyond such things and in a kind of hilariously cruel irony, it’s that very restraint that stands in its way now.

originally posted on Facebook

Raven’s Call

Can you hear the Raven’s call
as she calls out in the morning?
Can you hear the Raven’s call?
Mother nature’s scorning.

Can you hear the Raven’s call
as she sings out sullen warnings?
Can you hear the Raven’s call?
Follow not your plans suborning.

Hurried hopeful that you not fall
Can you hear the Raven’s call?
If her warning hear you null,
it is you she will be mourning


If my divine will to help others and promote a kinder, more compassionate, more harmonious world is but a chain which binds then so be it. I would sooner lock myself in a dungeon for all of eternity than willingly increase the suffering of the innocent in the universe if it can be helped, even for a being as seemingly insignificant as an ant. For we are all a part of The All, and we all share in it equally and the suffering of one is but the suffering of the all. And even if it were not such the case, it would change nothing, for by what right do I have to enact my will on another at their expense? No, truly if it was such the case, I would go willingly and gladly knowing that my incarceration decreased the overall suffering of the universe. May everything I do raise the vibrations of the planet, not lower or hinder them.

Twelve Things to Remember in the New Year

Twelve things to remember in the coming year.

1: All are equal in the eyes of the divine.
2: Your mental health is as important as your physical health; take care of yourself.
3: Your worth is not judged by the size of your bank account.
4: Earthly authority is harm as it is always maintained by violence.
5: Helping others is always a worthwhile cause.
6: Failure is an opportunity to learn.
7: Never discount the elderly, but heed the lessons of the young. For ancient knowledge and fresh perspectives are both but halves of the whole that is the path to wisdom.
8: The greatest crimes of humanity are selfishness and apathy. Greed and gluttony are byproducts of selfishness, and cruelty of apathy.
9: Life should be a constant pursuit of improving oneself for the good of all. To do otherwise is to do a disservice to your own ability for growth and to The All which we are all a part of.
10: To struggle is to gain, but to inflict struggle on another is theft.
11: Respect all life or your life deserves none.
12: Do not confuse convictions with facts.

New Atheist Skepticism

To say there is a burden of proof on a witness is to be unfair. That’s not their job. There job is just to relay their experiences. It’s the job of the skeptic or the researcher to dig further and find out more.

For example, in the case of a crime we never demand the witnesses prove anything. We don’t even demand the defendant prove anything. It’s innocent until proven guilty after all. It falls on the prosecution to meet the burden of proof to prove their actuations.

The New Atheist movement is entirely built on that backwards kind of guilty until proven innocent logic.

“You’re just a liar, a fake, a fraud, until you can prove to me to my satisfaction (a satisfaction you’ll never meet because I get a sick sense of superiority in clinging to this world-view) that what you witnessed really happened.”

It’s absolutely ridiculous, and with things as fringe and unpredictable like ghosts, UFOs and magick, that kind of demand for evidence cannot ever be met since we have no idea how and why these things operate.

It’s like saying to a hiker who says they saw a bear to prove they saw a bear in the woods and show you the bear and prove it’s really a bear. Then if someone gets really adamant and goes out and shoots the bear you say “well some really good Hollywood prop artists can make convincing bear pelts so you’re still a liar.” What kind of backwards nonsensical thinking is that? No! If you want to find the bear YOU need to go out looking for it or at least seek out someone who’s an expert in tracking bears.

Just because a really good stage illusionist can make a convincing fake of some kind of magickal ability doesn’t mean you’ve disproved it, all you’ve proved is you can make a convincing fake. It’s utterly ridiculous to claim anything beyond that unless you can prove that’s really what you’re doing. Just showing how it might be faked doesn’t prove that’s really how they’re doing it.

You’re not being smart, logical or clever by just sticking to your beliefs even in the face of evidence to the contrary while you endlessly move the goal posts. You’ve just crafted a new kind of hierarchal religion but one with a really really bad map that don’t match the complexity of the really around us unless you take off your glasses and squint and ignore all the detail. That’s not a healthy skepticism, that’s just stubbornness.

It’s fair to place a stronger burden of proof on researchers to a point, but that’s not fair to ask of the public and especially not of people who are just coming forward as witnesses. Even at that though, if the researchers meet that burden you’ve placed, you can’t just move the goal post because it doesn’t fit with your preconceived notions as to the nature of reality. At some point it falls on you to pickup the torch and do further research yourself and stop being so lazy and stubborn. That’s the whole part of science that you’re so happy talking about when it helps your views against ideas that you don’t like but you seem to conveniently forget whenever it doesn’t.