Concerning Love

Everyone is possessed by division, even me. The part of me that gets a sick sort of thrill out of my separation from the mundanes or even just calls them that is evidence to the fact. The entire universe is possessed. Truly that was the fall; the division. The separation of Anu from itself. The division of Dryghtyn into the twin energies. In truth on a level there is no separation and yet still it is.

“For I am divided for love’s sake, for the chance of union.” ~The Book of the Law, Alister Crowley

This in a form is a form of possession yet because it permiates the all, it is not an externally imposed one. We are all deranged in a form, but it is from this derangement that all things come into being. Nothing can happen without contrast. Sorrow and joy are but two sides of the same coin.

However, this does not mean we need to let the possession take over. Love is the transcendence; union from the division and because of it. Love will save us all in the end but it’s up to us to bring it about. Love is the fullness of the all manifest through the union of the divided.