Do what thou whilt shall be the whole of the law.
A friend of mine is facing layoffs and it’s disgusting.
I hate how management is allowed to just up end people’s lives with layoffs like it was just like buying a new stapler. It’s fucked. Human lives are not disposable. I abhor the way that so many people, especially the media, talk about it like it just happens to a company, like a snow storm, rather than being a choice management decides to do to people, and their families, of their own volition. They could make other much better decisions if they valued human life above green pieces of paper, but they don’t. If you leave the company of your own volition, they request a two week’s notice. If they decide to make you leave the company, they’re not required to give a two week’s notice despite how devastating they can be to just uproot your life like that. This is unacceptable.
On their behalf, I begin to pray: Thou Child, Holy Thy name and undefiled! Thy reign is come; Thy will is done. Here is the Bread; here is the Blood. Bring me through midnight to the Sun! Save me from Evil and from Good! That Thy one crown of all the Ten Even now and here be mine. AMEN.
Love is the law, love under will.
In hope of a brighter future,