Rise of the Triad Ludicrous Edition

Do what thou whilt shall be the whole of the law.

Rise of the Triad Ludicrous Edition just dropped. Rise of the triad is what Apogee developed after Id broke off to work on Doom. They used the Wolfenstein 3D engine and massively upgraded it. The original version was Rise of the Triad: The HUNT Begins was the shareware version. Then the retail version Rise of the Triad: Dark War was released, but it doesn’t include the content from the shareware game so it’s technically the sequel to that. Then later they released an expansion pack called Extreme Rise of the Triad. Then nothing for years until 2011 when the fans created a sequel in the GZDoom engine. It’s a standalone iwad. It replicates the design and gameplay from the original but expanded in ways that take advantage of the features in GZDoom. Then after a little wait, in 2013 they officially released Rise of the Triad (2013). It’s an upgraded game utilizing full 3D graphics. Despite the name, it’s not really a remake as it doesn’t attempt to replicate the levels etc from the original game but rather be an entirely new game.

More recently, the original Rise of the Triad game was released on Steam. When you open it, you have the option of selecting between The HUNT Begins, Dark War, and Extreme. Then recently a new project appeared on Steam slapped with a “coming soon” release date called Rise of the Triad Ludicrus Edition. It’s an updated version of the original games plus Return of the Triad, the fan game. Words cannot express how cool that is that they turned a fan project into an official game. I haven’t had the chance to pick it up yet now that it’s out, but I tried the demo and I’m already impressed. I’ll be grabbing it next paycheck.

Love is the law, love under will.

