
Given the subject matter I’m going to forgo the typical pleasantries.

I’ve watch a lot of videos about pedophiles getting caught and arrested. Stuff like To Catch a Predator. I find them cathartic seeing them be caught. People who without ambiguity deserve it. It’s a nice escape from the fucked up world we live in because it’s this little bubble of real world cases of people being stopped from being able to harm children. Every time they get out the handcuffs it’s a little moment of justice and it keeps my hopes up that there’s still good in the world and it’s worth fighting for. In this society so often the bad guy wins but in cases like this it’s nice to see the good guys win for a change, and outside of fiction to boot.

The demographics of what kind of people do this have been interesting. Never have any of them been women. Some of them have been gay. Plenty have been from all different ethnicities. However its only ever been men. I wonder why and I’d love to know the answer.

Throughout these videos, I’ve seen a disturbingly high number of times where they try to use Christianity as an excuse for their behavior or tried to use it as a distraction. No other religion has been used or even mentioned in all the hundreds of videos on this I’ve watched.

Beyond these videos, there’s been so many pedos who were church staff that got caught over the years that I’ve seen in the news. And there’s the whole thing about the Roman Catholic Church that I feel like I don’t even need to get into. So then, my question is, what is it about Christianity specifically that either creates or entices pedophiles? And why only ever men?