A Blame Proxy

Do what thou whilt shall be the whole of the law.

This is a shot easy on mental health and blame reposted due to its import stripped of its authorship by request of the author. Used with permission.

I have schizoeffective disorder so I’m sensitive about how people describe and label the concept of sanity.

When people try to pass laws to restrict what people with mental health issues can and can’t do, they’re doing it to me. When they blame murders at the hands of cis-het white conservative males on mental health, they’re blaming it on me. When people use words like “psychotic” “insane” “schizoid” in a derogatory manner, they’re comparing them to me as an insult.

It’s not like I asked the universe to be born with schizoeffective disorder. I hate everything about it. It’s horrible. It’s terrifying knowing that if something happened and I couldn’t get my Latuda, I would start slowly losing my mind. I got a small dose of what that’s like once when I couldn’t get a refill for 4 days. It’s real Flowers for Algernon type stuff.

I was a horrible person and hurt so many people I loved because of it being undiagnosed and untreated because of how it fucks with your mind.

There’s no way to use words to describe what any of that is like.

So you’ll never be able to truly empathize the experience. Nobody can who doesn’t also have the disorder. And please please please don’t go spreading that around. I don’t want rados knowing my diagnosis.


Love is the law, love under will.

In solidarity,