Stupidity Ain’t a Virus But It’s Sure Spreadin’ Like One

Do what thou whilt shall be the whole of the law.

By the power of truth I while living have conquered the universe.

I really fucking hate the way anti-intellectuallism has spread in this fucking country. People seem to think facts are just opinions and that any belief is justified even if it goes against reality. Proof holds no weight with these people because they don’t actually care about what is but rather what they want it to be, truth be damned. It’s scary and disgusting. The conservatives are the biggest offenders but I’ve seen it from all over the place on all kinds of things. I’m sorry but no that’s not how reality works. You can disagree until you’re blue in the face but that doesn’t make false things true or make it ok for you to cling to such ignorance and stupidity. I’m sick of it. People need to learn to be intellectually honest.

Love is the law, love under will.
