Robots Are Taking Over The World…Our World

Do what thou whilt shall be the whole of the law.

When I was young I was all about technology, especially electronics, but I find the older I get the less I like it. These days, I find myself loathing every new electronic innovation. Primarily it’s out of concern for how it will be exploited at the expense of the working class and how it’s often released unfinished and buggy making us be the guinea pigs. But also I don’t always want to have to fiddle with these things when they bring me no substantial benefit.

I hate that Kroger got rid of their normal grocery checkout lanes in favor of more self checkouts and these weird hybrid things. I’m the customer. You shouldn’t be making me do your job for you. It’s one thing to have the option but it’s another thing entirely to force you to do it. I come into your store and select some items to buy then you want me to fiddle around with a computer thing to tell you what I want to buy instead of you just doing it? Feels pretty exploitative. This is a big part of why I prefer to shop at Meijer but unfortunately that’s not always practical. Self checkout is nice when I only have a few items and there’s not much of a line but if I have a lot of stuff or heavy stuff I really don’t want to have to be the one to deal with scanning it all. Plus sometimes I prefer to interact with a real human rather than fiddle with machines.

I have just been made aware that they have driverless Ubers now. Not content to put classic taxi services out of business, Uber now wants to eliminate the drivers entirely. That’s absolutely terrifying! Nobody’s at the wheel! That’s incredibly dangerous! How is that even legal!? It shouldn’t be. Tesla’s failed self-driving launch should have been a clue. There should ALWAYS be a real human at the wheel to correct for when the computer inevitably fails. There should always be a manual override for EVERYTHING mechanical. Nobody should trust a computer to do anything without oversight by real humans. So now we have to look out for sleeping Tesla drivers and driverless Ubers. This is not ok.

Also seeing a car driving itself is incredibly creepy.

Self-driving failure related video clips:

Watch the related video reel here

Video shows moments before fatal Uber self-driving crash | ITV News

Cop Struggles To Pull Over Driverless Car

Driverless taxis in San Francisco cause traffic jams, chaos

Tesla Autopilot Crash FAIL! #Shorts

Love is the law, love under will.
