You Completely Missed the Point

Do what thou whilt shall be the whole of the law.

This was written in response to this article (link below) and I thought it worth sharing here since there seems to be a lot of ambiguity between what people are saying and what corporate is hearing.

I I would actually prefer more isolation in terms of the workspace. When I’m in office the thing I want most is proper cubicles instead of this open office format nonsense. It’s very distracting and obnoxious. I always end up putting in headphones to tune it all out so I can actually focus. Half the time I’m not even listening to anything, I just have them in for the noise cancellation. You don’t solve isolation with meetings or with making every God damn thing you’re coworkers do a potential distraction. You solve it by being more kind and compassionate. You solve it by not being so anal about metrics and report cards. You solve it by making what your employees say and do matter. Your solve it by giving people raises so they don’t feel so exploited and can thereby afford to live more comfortably. You solve it by giving better benefits so they can get access to things they need as human beings. You solve it by not turning everyone into a number on a spreadsheet but rather thinking of them in human terms. You solve it by letting them form unions so they feel like they’re represented in ways that matter. You solve it by reducing the wealth disparity so employees don’t feel like they’re in a feudalist dystopia. You solve it by making sure their boundaries and religions are respected. You solve it by actually caring about them beyond their labor. You solve it by making sure their needs for accommodations are met. You solve it by making sure they’re being listened to and their complaints are being addressed in a speedy manner. In short, you solve it by human decency, compassion, recognition, equity, and understanding. And by never letting getting to know them as a person and being open and honest to become a weapon against them later on when the belt is being loosened. Plus giving them a 2 weeks notice before you let them go if you’re laying them off so they have a chance to find a new job first, just like you expect from them when they’re leaving of their own accord.

Love is the law, love under will.
